
Librepo usage examples.

[More examples (including C examples)](https://github.com/Tojaj/librepo/tree/master/examples)

Simple download of metadata

Example: Simple download whole repository

This example uses more "pythonic" way of usage.
Instead of use setopt() method it uses class properties.

Use case:
We have a metalink url of a repository and we
want do download complete repository metadata.

import librepo

# Metalink URL
METALINK_URL = "https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=fedora-18&arch=x86_64"

# Destination directory (note: This directory must exists!)
DESTDIR = "downloaded_metadata"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    h = librepo.Handle()
    r = librepo.Result()
    # Repository with repodata in the rpm-md format
    h.repotype = librepo.LR_YUMREPO
    # Set metalink url
    h.mirrorlist = METALINK_URL
    # Destination directory for metadata
    h.destdir = DESTDIR

    except librepo.LibrepoException as e:
        # rc - Return code (integer value)
        # msg - Detailed error message (string)
        # general_msg - Error message based on rc (string)
        rc, msg, general_msg  = e
        print "Error: %s" % msg

Metadata localisation

Example: Localize metadata files of a local repository

Use case:
We have a local repositository in the rpm-md format
and want to paths to all its metadata files.
Repomd content is just a bonus.

import sys
import librepo
import pprint

METADATA_PATH = "downloaded_metadata"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    h = librepo.Handle()
    r = librepo.Result()
    # Repository with repodata in the rpm-md format
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_REPOTYPE, librepo.LR_YUMREPO)
    # Path to metadata
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_URLS, [METADATA_PATH])
    # Do not duplicate (copy) metadata, just localise them
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_LOCAL, True)

    except librepo.LibrepoException as e:
        rc, msg, general_msg = e
        print "Error: %s" % msg

    print "Repomd content:"

    print "\nPaths to metadata files:"
    for data_type, path in r.getinfo(librepo.LRR_YUM_REPO).iteritems():
        print "%15s: %s" % (data_type, path)


Checksum verification


Checksum verification is enabled by default. So command h.setopt(librepo.LRO_CHECKSUM, True) is unnecessary, but for illustration it is better to write the command anyway.

Example: Verify checksum of local metadata

Use case:
We have some incomplete metadata localy.
They are incomplete because they doesn't
contain all files specified in repomd.xml.
They contains only primary.xml and filelists.xml.
We want to check checksum of this metadata.

import sys
import librepo

METADATA_PATH = "downloaded_metadata"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    h = librepo.Handle()
    r = librepo.Result()
    # Repository with repodata in the rpm-md format
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_REPOTYPE, librepo.LR_YUMREPO)
    # Path to the metadata
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_URLS, [METADATA_PATH])
    # Do not duplicate (copy) the metadata
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_LOCAL, True)
    # Check checksum of metadata
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_CHECKSUM, True)
    # Ignore missing metadata files
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_IGNOREMISSING, True)

    except librepo.LibrepoException as e:
        rc, msg, general_msg = e
        if rc == librepo.LRE_BADCHECKSUM:
            print "Corrupted metadata! (%s)" % msg
            print "Other error: %s" % msg

    print "Metadata are fine!"

More complex download

librepo - example of usage

import os
import sys
import shutil
from pprint import pprint

import librepo

DESTDIR = "downloaded_metadata"

def callback(data, total_to_download, downloaded):
    """Progress callback"""
    if total_to_download <= 0:
    completed = int(downloaded / (total_to_download / PROGRESSBAR_LEN))
    print "[%s%s] %8s/%8s (%s)\r" % ('#'*completed, '-'*(PROGRESSBAR_LEN-completed), int(downloaded), int(total_to_download), data),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Prepare destination directory
    if os.path.exists(DESTDIR):
        if not os.path.isdir(DESTDIR):
            raise IOError("%s is not a directory" % DESTDIR)

    h = librepo.Handle() # Handle represents a download configuration
    r = librepo.Result() # Result represents an existing/downloaded repository

    # --- Mandatory arguments -------------------------------------------

    # URL of repository or URL of metalink/mirrorlist
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_URLS, ["http://ftp.linux.ncsu.edu/pub/fedora/linux/releases/17/Everything/i386/os/"])
    #h.setopt(librepo.LRO_MIRRORLIST, "https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/metalink?repo=fedora-source-17&arch=i386")
    # Note: LRO_URLS and LRO_MIRRORLIST could be set and used simultaneously
    #       and if download from LRO_URLS failed, then mirrorlist is used

    # Type of repository
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_REPOTYPE, librepo.LR_YUMREPO)

    # --- Optional arguments --------------------------------------------

    # Make download interruptible
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_INTERRUPTIBLE, True)

    # Destination directory for metadata
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_DESTDIR, DESTDIR)

    # Check checksum of all files (if checksum is available in repomd.xml)
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_CHECKSUM, True)

    # Callback to display progress of downloading
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_PROGRESSCB, callback)

    # Set user data for the callback
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_PROGRESSDATA, {'test': 'dict', 'foo': 'bar'})

    # Download only filelists.xml, prestodelta.xml
    # Note: repomd.xml is downloaded implicitly!
    # Note: If LRO_YUMDLIST is None -> all files are downloaded
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_YUMDLIST, ["filelists", "prestodelta"])


    # Get and show results
    pprint (r.getinfo(librepo.LRR_YUM_REPO))
    pprint (r.getinfo(librepo.LRR_YUM_REPOMD))

    # Whoops... I forget to download primary.xml.. Lets fix it!
    # Set LRO_UPDATE - only update existing Result
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_UPDATE, True)
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_YUMDLIST, ["primary"])

    # List of mirrors
    # (In this case no mirrorlist is used -> list will contain only one url)
    # Example of access info via attr insted of .getinfo() method
    pprint (h.mirrors)

    # Get and show final results
    pprint (r.getinfo(librepo.LRR_YUM_REPO))
    pprint (r.getinfo(librepo.LRR_YUM_REPOMD))

How to get urls in a local mirrorlist

import os
import sys
import librepo
import pprint

DESTDIR = "downloaded_metadata"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    h = librepo.Handle()
    r = librepo.Result()

    # Correct repotype is important. Without repotype
    # metalink parser doesn't know suffix which should
    # be stripped off from the mirrors urls.
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_REPOTYPE, librepo.LR_YUMREPO)

    # Set local mirrorlist file as mirrorlist
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DESTDIR, "mirrorlist")):
        h.mirrorlist = os.path.join(DESTDIR, "mirrorlist")
    elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(DESTDIR, "metalink.xml")):
        h.mirrorlist = os.path.join(DESTDIR, "metalink.xml")
        print "No mirrorlist of downloaded repodata available"

    # Download only the mirrorlist during perform() call.
    h.setopt(librepo.LRO_FETCHMIRRORS, True)


    print "Urls in mirrorlist:"
    print h.mirrors
    print "Metalink file content:"