NAME rpm - lesser need options for rpm(8)
- --predefine='MACRO EXPR'
Defines MACRO with value EXPR before loading macro files.
Switching off features
- --color [never|auto|always]
Use terminal colors for highlighting error and debug message. Default is turning colors on for ttys only (auto).
--nocontexts Disable the SELinux plugin if available. This stops the plugin from setting SELinux contexts for files and scriptlets.
- --noglob
Do not glob arguments when installing package files.
- --nocaps
Don't verify capabilities of files.
- --excludeconfigs, --noconfigs
Do not install configuration files.
- --nohdrchk
Don't verify database header(s) when retrieved.
- -d, --debug
Print debugging information.
- --deploops
Print dependency loops as warning.
- --fsmdebug
Print debuging information of payload handling code.
- --rpmfcdebug
Print debug information about files packaged.
- --rpmiodebug
Print debug information about file IO.
- --stats
Print runtime statistics of often used functions.
Obsolete Options
- -K, --checksig
See and use rpmkeys(8).
- --nodocs
Do not install documentation. Use --excludedocs instead.
- --promoteepoch
Enable obsolete epoch handling used in rpm 3.x time frame.
- --prtpkts
OBSOLETE! Used to print the packages containing and representing the pgp keys for debugging purposes.