Spec file format

Generic syntax


Each line in the spec is macro-expanded before further processing. The macro syntax and the built-in macros are described on a dedicated page. Typically there are vast amounts of other macros available for helping with common packaging tasks.


Comments in spec file have # at the start of the line.

    # this is a comment

Comments are also allowed after conditionals (see below). Some older versions of RPM (4.14 to 4.19) did issue a warning on those, but they are fully legal from RPM 4.20 onward.

Macros are expanded even in comment lines. If this is undesireable, escape the macro with an extra percent sign (%):

    # make unversioned %%__python an error unless explicitly overridden

Another option is to use built-in macro %dnl that discards text to next line without expanding it. (since rpm >= 4.15)

    %dnl make unversioned %__python an error unless explicitly overridden


RPM’s spec file format allows conditional blocks of code to be used depending on various properties such as architecture (%ifarch /%ifnarch), operating system (%ifos / %ifnos), or a conditional expression (%if).

%ifarch is generally used for building RPM packages for multiple platforms like:

	%ifarch s390 s390x
	BuildRequires: s390utils-devel

%ifos is used to control RPM’s spec file processing according to the build target operating system.

%if can be used for various purposes. The test can be evaluated based on the existence of a macro, like:

	%if %{defined with_foo} && %{undefined with_bar}

string comparison:

	%if "%{optimize_flags}" != "none"

or a mathematical statement:

	%if 0%{?fedora} > 10 || 0%{?rhel} > 7

Generally, a mathematical statement allows to use logical operators &&, ||, !, relational operators !=, ==, <, > , <=, >=, arithmetic operators +, -, /, *, the ternary operator ? :, and parentheses.

The conditional blocks end by %endif. Inside the conditional block %elif, %elifarch, %elifos or %else can be optionally used. Conditionals %endif and %else should not be followed by any text. Conditionals may be nested within other conditionals.

%if-conditionals are not macros, and are unlikely to yield expected results if used in them.


The spec file is divided in several sections. Except of the preamble of the main package right at the start spec file (and spec parts) sections begin with a percent sign and the name of the section. They need to be at the start of a new line. Most section types allow passing options in this first line. These section markers looks like macros (with parameters) but are not.

Each section type has its own rules and syntax. Conditionals are evaluated first and then macros expanded. Only then are the sections parsed by the rules of the section types. The content of build and runtime scripts is then passed on the the interpreter - possible being stored in a header tag inbetween. The syntax of the other sections is described below.


Preamble tags

Since RPM 4.20 preamble tags can be indented with white space. Older versions require the Tags to be at the beginning of a line. Comments and empty lines are allowed.


The Name tag contains the proper name of the package. Names must not include whitespace and may include a hyphen ‘-‘ (unlike version and release tags). Names should not include any numeric operators (‘<’, ‘>’,’=’) as future versions of rpm may need to reserve characters other than ‘-‘.


Version of the packaged content, typically software.

The version string consists of alphanumeric characters, which can optionally be segmented with the separators ., _ and +, plus ~ and ^ (see below).

Tilde (~) can be used to force sorting lower than base (1.1~201601 < 1.1). Caret (^) can be used to force sorting higher than base (1.1^201601 > 1.1). These are useful for handling pre- and post-release versions, such as 1.0~rc1 and 2.0^a.


Package release, used for distinguishing between different builds of the same software version.

See Version for allowed characters and modifiers.


Optional numerical value which can be used to override normal version-release sorting order. It’s use should be avoided if at all possible.

Non-existent epoch is exactly equal to zero epoch in all version comparisons.


Short (< 70 characters) summary of the package license. For example:

	License: GPLv3


If license of the sources differ from the main package the license tag of the source package can be set with this. If not given the license tag of the source and the main package are the same.


Optional, short (< 70 characters) group of the package.

	Group: Development/Libraries


Short (< 70 characters) summary of the package.

	Summary: Utility for converting mumbles into giggles


Used to declare source(s) used to build the package. All sources will will be packaged into source rpms. Arbitrary number of sources may be declared, for example:

	Source0: mysoft-1.0.tar.gz
	Source1: mysoft-data-1.0.zip


Used to declare patches applied on top of sources. All patches declared will be packaged into source rpms.


Used to attach an icon to an rpm package file. Obsolete.



Files ending in .nosrc.rpm are generally source RPM packages whose spec files have one or more NoSource: or NoPatch: directives in them. Both directives use the named source or patch file to build the resulting binary RPM package as usual, but they are not included in the source RPM package.

The original intent of this ability of RPM was to allow proprietary or non-distributable software to be built using RPM, but to keep the proprietary or non-distributable parts out of the resulting source RPM package, so that they would not get distributed.

They also have utility if you are building RPM packages for software which is archived at a well-known location and does not require that you distribute the source with the binary, for example, for an organization’s internal use, where storing large quantities of source is not as meaningful.

The end result of all this, though, is that you can’t rebuild ``no-source’’ RPM packages using `rpm –rebuild’ unless you also have the sources or patches which are not included in the .nosrc.rpm.


URL supplying further information about the package, typically upstream website.


Bug reporting URL for the package.







Optional package distribution/vendor/maintainer name / contact information. Rarely used in specs, typically filled in by buildsystem macros.


Obsolete and unused in rpm >= 4.6.0, but permitted for compatibility with old packages that might still depend on it.

Do not use in new packages.


Automatically populate the spec build scripts for the given build system, such as `Buildsystem: autotools”. See declarative build documentation for more details.




Control per-package automatic dependency generation for provides and requires. Accepted values are 1/0 or yes/no, default is always “yes”. Autoreqprov is equal to specifying Autoreq and Autoprov separately.


The following tags are used to supply package dependency information, all follow the same basic form. Can appear multiple times in the spec, multiple values accepted, a single value is of the form capability [operator version]. Capability names must start with alphanumerics or underscore. Optional version range can be supplied after capability name, accepted operators are =, <, >, <= and >=, version


Capabilities this package requires to function at all. Besides ensuring required packages get installed, this is also used to order installs and erasures.

Additional context can be supplied using Requires(qualifier) syntax, accepted qualifiers are:

  • pre

    Denotes the dependency must be present in before the package is is installed, and is used a strong ordering hint to break possible dependency loops. A pre-dependency is free to be removed once the install-transaction completes.

    Also relates to %pre scriptlet execution.

  • post

    Denotes the dependency must be present right after the package is is installed, and is used a strong ordering hint to break possible dependency loops. A post-dependnecy is free to be removed once the install-transaction completes.

    Also relates to %post scriptlet execution.

  • preun

    Denotes the dependency must be present in before the package is is removed, and is used a strong ordering hint to break possible dependency loops.

    Also relates to %preun scriptlet execution.

  • postun

    Denotes the dependency must be present right after the package is is removed, and is used a strong ordering hint to break possible dependency loops.

    Also relates to %postun scriptlet execution.

  • pretrans

    Denotes the dependency must be present before the transaction starts, and cannot be satisified by added packages in a transaction. As such, it does not affect transaction ordering. A pretrans-dependency is free to be removed after the install-transaction completes.

    Also relates to %pretrans and %preuntrans scriptlet execution.

  • posttrans

    Denotes the dependency must be present at the end of transaction, ie cannot be removed during the transaction. As such, it does not affect transaction ordering. A posttrans-dependency is free to be removed after the the install-transaction completes.

    Also relates to %posttrans and %postuntrans scriptlet execution.

  • verify

    Relates to %verify scriptlet execution. As %verify scriptlet is not executed during install/erase, this does not affect transaction ordering.

  • interp

    Denotes a scriptlet interpreter dependency, usually added automatically by rpm. Used as a strong ordering hint for breaking dependency loops.

  • meta (since rpm >= 4.16)

    Denotes a “meta” dependency, which must not affect transaction ordering. Typical use-cases would be meta-packages and sub-package cross-dependencies whose purpose is just to ensure the sub-packages stay on common version.

Multiple qualifiers can be supplied separated by comma, as long as they’re not semantically contradictory: meta qualifier contradicts any ordered qualifier, eg meta and verify can be combined, and pre and verify can be combined, but pre and meta can not.

As noted above, dependencies qualified as install-time only (pretrans, pre, post, posttrans or combination of them) can be removed after the installation transaction completes if there are no other dependencies to prevent that. This is a common source of confusion.


Capabilities provided by this package.

name = [epoch:]version-release is automatically added to all packages.


Capabilities this package conflicts with, typically packages with conflicting paths or otherwise conflicting functionality.


Packages obsoleted by this package. Used for replacing and renaming packages.

Recommends (since rpm >= 4.13)




OrderWithRequires (since rpm >= 4.9)


Obsolete, do not use.


Obsolete, do not use.


Capabilities required to build the package.

Build dependencies are identical to install dependencies except:

  1) they are prefixed with build (e.g. BuildRequires: rather than Requires:)
  2) they are resolved before building rather than before installing.

So, if you were to write a specfile for a package that requires gcc to build, you would add

	BuildRequires: gcc

to your spec file.

If your package was like dump and could not be built w/o a specific version of the libraries to access an ext2 file system, you could express this as

	BuildRequires: e2fsprofs-devel = 1.17-1


Capabilities which conflict, ie cannot be installed during the package package build.

For example if somelib-devel presence causes the package to fail build, you would add

	BuildConflicts: somelib-devel


Package is not buildable on architectures listed here. Used when software is portable across most architectures except some, for example due to endianess issues.


Package is only buildable on architectures listed here. For example, it’s probably not possible to build an i386-specific BIOS utility on ARM, and even if it was it probably would not make any sense.


Package is not buildable on specific OSes listed here.


Package is only buildable on OSes listed here.

BuildArch (or BuildArchitectures)

Specifies the architecture which the resulting binary package will run on. Typically this is a CPU architecture like sparc, i386. The string ‘noarch’ is reserved for specifying that the resulting binary package is platform independent. Typical platform independent packages are html, perl, python, java, and ps packages.

As a special case, BuildArch: noarch can be used on sub-package level to allow eg. documentation of otherwise arch-specific package to be shared across multiple architectures.

Note that BuildArch causes the spec parsing to recurse from the start, causing any macros before that line to be expanded twice. This can yield unexpected results, in particular with %global.

Prefixes (or Prefix)

Specify prefixes this package may be installed into, used to make packages relocatable. Very few packages are.


Declare a non-default documentation directory for the package. Usually not needed.


Colon separated lists of path postfixes that are removed from the end of file names when adding those files to the package. Used on sub-package level.

Used for creating sub-packages with conflicting files, such as different variants of the same content (eg minimal and full versions of the same software).


%package [-n]<name>

%package <name> starts a preamble section for a new sub-package. Most preamble tags can are usable in sub-packages too, but there are exceptions such as Name, which is taken from the %package directive.

By default subpackages are named by prepending the main package name followed by a dash to the subpackage name(s), ie <mainname>-<subname>. Using the -n option allows specifying an arbitrary (sub-)package name.

%description [-n][name]

%description is free form text, but there are two things to note. The first regards reformatting. Lines that begin with white space are considered “pre-formatted” and will be left alone. Adjacent lines without leading whitespace are considered a single paragraph and may be subject to formatting by glint or another RPM tool.

The -n option and <name> are the same as for %package, except that when name is omitted, the description refers to the main package.

Build scriptlets

Package build is divided into multiple separate steps, each executed in a separate shell: %prep, %conf, %build, %install, %check, %clean and %generate_buildrequires. Any unnecessary scriptlet sections can be omitted.

Each section may be present only once, but in rpm >= 4.20 it is possible to augment them by appending or prepending to them using -a and -p options. Append and prepend can be used multiple times. They are applied relative to the corresponding main section, in the order they appear in the spec. If the main section does not exist, they are applied relative to the first fragment.

During the execution of build scriptlets, (at least) the following rpm-specific environment variables are set:

Variable Description
RPM_ARCH Architecture of the package
RPM_BUILD_DIR The build directory of the package
RPM_BUILD_NCPUS The number of CPUs available for the build
RPM_BUILD_ROOT The buildroot directory of the package
RPM_BUILD_TIME The build time of the package (seconds since the epoch)
RPM_DOC_DIR The special documentation directory of the package
RPM_LD_FLAGS Linker flags
RPM_OPT_FLAGS Compiler flags
RPM_OS OS of the package
RPM_PACKAGE_NAME Rpm name of the source package
RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION Rpm version of the source package
RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE Rpm release of the source package
RPM_SOURCE_DIR The source directory of the package
RPM_SPECPARTS_DIR The directory of dynamically generated spec parts

Note: many of these have macro counterparts which may seem more convenient and consistent with the rest of the spec, but one should always use the environment variables inside the scripts. The reason for this is that macros are evaluated during spec parse and may not be up-to-date, whereas environment variables are evaluated at the time of their execution in the script.


%prep prepares the sources for building. This is where sources are unpacked and possible patches applied, and other similar activies could be performed.

Typically %autosetup is used to automatically handle it all, but for more advanced cases there are lower level %setup and %patch builtin-macros available in this slot.

In simple packages %prep is often just:



%setup [options]

The primary function of %setup is to set up the build directory for the package, typically unpacking the package’s sources but optionally it can just create the directory. It accepts a number of options:

-a N        unpack source N after changing to the build directory
-b N        unpack source N before changing to the build directory
-c          create the build directory (and change to it) before unpacking
-C          Create the build directory and ensure the archive contents
            are unpacked there, stripping the top level directory in the archive
            if it exists
-D          do not delete the build directory prior to unpacking (used
            when more than one source is to be unpacked with `-a` or `-b`)
-n DIR      set the name of build directory (default is `%{name}-%{version}`)
-T          skip the default unpacking of the first source (used with
            `-a` or `-b`)
-q          operate quietly


%patch [options] [arguments]

%patch is used to apply patches on top of the just unpacked pristine sources. Historically it supported multiple strange syntaxes and buggy behaviors, which are no longer maintained. To apply patch number 1, the following are recognized:

  1. %patch 1 (since rpm >= 4.18)
  2. %patch -P1 (all rpm versions)
  3. %patch1 (removed since rpm >= 4.20)

For new packages, the positional argument form 1) is preferred. For maximal compatibility use 2). Both forms can be used to apply several patches at once, in the order they appear on the line.

It accepts a number of options. With the exception of -P, they are merely passed down to the patch command.

-b SUF      backup patched files with suffix SUF
-d DIR      change to directory DIR before doing anything else
-E          remove files emptied by patching
-F N        maximum fuzz factor (on context patches)
-p N        strip N leading slashes from paths
-R          assume reversed patch
-o FILE     send output to FILE instead of patching in place 
-z SUF      same as -b
-Z          set mtime and atime from context diff headers using UTC

-P N        apply patch number N, same as passing N as a positional argument

%generate_buildrequires (since rpm >= 4.15)

This optional script can be used to determine BuildRequires dynamically. If present it is executed after %prep and can though access the unpacked and patched sources. The script must print the found build dependencies to stdout in the same syntax as used after BuildRequires: one dependency per line.

rpmbuild will then check if the dependencies are met before continuing the build. If some dependencies are missing a package with the .buildreqs.nosrc.rpm postfix is created, that - as the name suggests - contains the found build requires but no sources. It can be used to install the build requires and restart the build.

On success the found build dependencies are also added to the source package. As always they depend on the exact circumstance of the build and may be different when bulding based on other packages or even another architecture.

%conf (since rpm >= 4.18)

In %conf, the unpacked sources are configured for building.

Different build- and language ecosystems come with their own helper macros, but rpm has helpers for autotools based builds such as itself which typically look like this:



In %build, the unpacked (and configured) sources are compiled to binaries.

Different build- and language ecosystems come with their own helper macros, but rpm has helpers for autotools based builds such as itself which typically look like this:



In %install, the software installation layout is prepared by creating the necessary directory structure into an initially empty “build root” directory and copying the just-built software in there to appropriate places. For many simple packages this is just:


%install required for creating packages that contain any files.


If the packaged software has accomppanying tests, this is where they should be executed.

%clean (OBSOLETE)

Packages should place all their temporaries inside their designated %builddir, which rpm will automatically clean up. Needing a package specific %clean section generally suggests flaws in the spec.

Runtime scriptlets

Runtime scriptlets are executed at the time of install and erase of the package. By default, scriptlets are executed with /bin/sh shell, but this can be overridden with -p <path> as an argument to the scriptlet for each scriptlet individually. Other supported operations include scriptlet expansion.

Basic scriptlets

  • %pre
  • %post
  • %preun
  • %postun
  • %pretrans
  • %posttrans
  • %preuntrans
  • %postuntrans
  • %verify


  • %triggerprein
  • %triggerin
  • %triggerun
  • %triggerpostun

More information is available in trigger chapter.

File triggers (since rpm >= 4.13)

  • %filetriggerin
  • %filetriggerun
  • %filetriggerpostun
  • %transfiletriggerin
  • %transfiletriggerun
  • %transfiletriggerpostun

More information is available in file trigger chapter.

%files section

Permissions and ownership

By default, packaged files are owned by root:root and permission bits are taken directly from the on-disk files. Refer to users and groups for dealing with other users and groups.

Note that rpm only uses information from the local passwd(5) and group(5) files.

There are two directives to override the default:

%attr(<mode>, <user>, <group>) <file|directory>

%attr() overrides the permissions for a single file. <mode> is an octal number such as you’d pass to chmod(1), <user> and <group> are user and group names. Any of the three can be specified as - to indicate use of current default value for that parameter.

%defattr(<mode>, <user>, <group>, <dirmode>)

%defattr() sets the default permissions of the following entries in up to the next %defattr() directive or the end of the %files section for that package, whichever comes first.

The first three arguments are the same as for %attr() (see above), <dirmode> is the octal default mode for directories.

Virtual File Attribute(s)

%artifact (since rpm >= 4.14.1)

The %artifact attribute can be used to denote files that are more like side-effects of packaging than actual content the user would be interested in. Such files can be easily filtered out on queries and also left out of installations if space is tight.


A %ghost tag on a file indicates that this file is not to be included in the package. It is typically used when the attributes of the file are important while the contents is not (e.g. a log file).


The %config(missingok) indicates that the file need not exist on the installed machine. The %config(missingok) is frequently used for files like /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S55named where the (non-)existence of the symlink is part of the configuration in %post, and the file may need to be removed when this package is removed. This file is not required to exist at either install or uninstall time.

The %config(noreplace) indicates that the file in the package should be installed with extension .rpmnew if there is already a modified file with the same name on the installed machine.


Used to explicitly own the directory itself but not it’s contents.


Used to mark and/or install files as documentation. Can be used as a regular attribute on an absolute path, or in “special” form on a path relative to the build directory which causes the files to be installed and packaged as documentation. The special form strips all but the last path component. Thus %doc path/to/docfile installs docfile in the documentation path.

Can also be used to filter out documentation from installations where space is tight.

%license (since rpm >= 4.11)

Used to mark and/or install files as licenses. Same as %doc, but cannot be filtered out as licenses must always be present in packages.

%missingok (since rpm >= 4.14 in standalone form)

Used to mark file presence optional, ie one whose absence does not cause –verify to fail.




The virtual file attribute token %verify tells `-V/–verify’ to ignore certain features on files which may be modified by (say) a postinstall script so that false problems are not displayed during package verification.

	%verify(not size filedigest mtime) %{prefix}/bin/javaswarm

Supported modifiers are:

  • filedigest (or md5)
  • size
  • link
  • user (or owner)
  • group
  • mtime
  • mode
  • rdev
  • caps

Shell Globbing

The usual rules for shell globbing apply (see glob(7)), including brace expansion. Metacharacters can be escaped by prefixing them with a backslash (\). Spaces are used to separate file names and must also be escaped. Enclosing a file name in double quotes (") preserves the literal value of all characters within the quotes, with the exception of \ and the percent sign (%). A \ or % can be escaped with an extra \ or %, respectively. A double quote can be escaped with a \.

For example:

	"/opt/bob's htdocs"

If a glob pattern has no matches, it is tried literally (as if all the metacharacters were escaped). This is similar to how Bash works with the failglob option unset.

When trying to escape a large number of file names, it is often best to create a file with a complete list of escaped file names. This is easiest to do with a shell script like this:

	rm -f filelist.txt
	find %{buildroot} -type f -printf '/%%P\n' |	\
	perl -pe 's/(%)/%$1/g;'				\
	     -pe 's/(["\\])/\\$1/g;'			\
	     -pe 's/(^.*$)/"$1"/g;'			\
	> filelist.txt

	%files -f filelist.txt

%changelog section